In Wild, written and illustrated by Emily Hughes, we meet a little girl that has grown up in the woods, alongside the animals, and is happily wild. One day, some strange new animals she’s never encountered before find her and try to tame her. It doesn’t go well.
Hughes’s painterly illustrations are filled to the brim with wild splendor. The cover alone will stop you in your tracks.
I have always had an affinity for Emily Hughes’s Wild character. I had an unwilding moment of my own. When I was 3 years old I crossed the Atlantic Ocean, from the woods in Spain, to visit my Grandparents in the suburbs of Pennsylvania.
There, my Grandmom spit shined me and put me in patent leather.
I’m sure, like Hughes’s character, I thought they “spoke wrong” (English not Catalan), and “ate wrong” (where’s my garlic?) The overall memory is one of warmth though, from a Grandmom’s love to Mister Rogers who taught me how to speak English.
Every child has wildling tendencies, and we can all tap into ours to be happily Wild. (Picture book. 3-7)